Monday, December 22, 2008

Staff one

These are my newly hired nurses for the school.
I gave them this position as they were all doctors in their former lives.

They will run our own mini hospital in the school. They have had no IQ loss since their change, so they are fully fledged doctors.

However, smart girls can have fun too...

These are them trying on the new uniforms that we had made specially for the school. Features include; built in vibration action for down time, matching under drawers and of course they look great. The girls are very excited about their new jobs.

Note that Pink denotes a fully trained doctor while blue clad girls are nurses.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hehe…! Can I be a nurse? I would so totally enjoy treating and caring for people's needs while wearing one of those cute outfits. It'll be nice. =)

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