Tuesday, November 11, 2008

26 Bimbofied

Blake didn't understand. A few minutes ago, he had been preparing to fuck this whore. Now, he was a whore.

"Don't be afraid, Blaine" Rory said over a microphone. "I'm just going to show you what it's like to be one of these so called whores that you so often scorn."

"What did you put in my drink?!" Blaine asked, further upset by the heightened pitch of her voice.
"Oh, nothing. I just added some milk to... soften you up a bit." Rory chuckled. "Now, Blaine, explore your new holes."
Blaine couldn't help but listen, and as she did, she became lost in pleasure.

Blaine couldn't remember why she was so troubled. Shrugging, she continued to please herself for the nice webcame viewers.

"Maybe if I'm good enough, Rory will let me buy some new panties today!" she thought to herself.

"I love being a sissy."

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